transcription, транскрипция: [ ig-ˈzem-plə-rē ]
Date: circa 1507
a. : serving as a pattern
b. : deserving imitation : commendable
his courage was exemplary
also : deserving imitation because of excellence
they serve exemplary pastries — G. V. Higgins
2. : serving as a warning : monitory
given an exemplary punishment
3. : serving as an example, instance, or illustration
this story is exemplary of her style
• ex·em·plar·i·ly ˌeg-ˌzem-ˈpler-ə-lē adverb
• ex·em·pla·ri·ness ig-ˈzem-plə-rē-nəs noun
• ex·em·plar·i·ty ˌeg-ˌzem-ˈpla-rə-tē noun