transcription, транскрипция: [ ig-ˈzüm, igz-ˈyüm, iks-ˈ(h)yüm ]
transitive verb
( ex·humed ; ex·hum·ing )
Etymology: Middle English, from Medieval Latin exhumare, from Latin ex out of + humus earth — more at ex- , humble
Date: 15th century
1. : disinter
exhume a body
2. : to bring back from neglect or obscurity
exhumed a great deal of information from the archives
• ex·hu·ma·tion ˌeks-(h)yü-ˈmā-shən, ˌeg-zü-, ˌegz-yü- noun
• ex·hum·er ig-ˈzü-mər, igz-ˈyü-, iks-ˈ(h)yü- noun