Meaning of FORENSIC in English

I. fə-ˈren(t)-sik, -ˈren-zik adjective

Etymology: Latin forensis public, forensic, from forum forum

Date: 1659

1. : belonging to, used in, or suitable to courts of judicature or to public discussion and debate

2. : argumentative , rhetorical

3. : relating to or dealing with the application of scientific knowledge to legal problems

forensic medicine

forensic science

forensic pathologist

forensic experts

• fo·ren·si·cal·ly -si-k(ə-)lē, -zi- adverb

II. noun

Date: 1814

1. : an argumentative exercise

2. plural but singular or plural in construction : the art or study of argumentative discourse

3. plural but singular or plural in construction : the application of scientific knowledge to legal problems ; especially : scientific analysis of physical evidence (as from a crime scene)

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