I. frē-ˈkwent, ˈfrē-kwənt transitive verb
Date: 15th century
1. : to associate with, be in, or resort to often or habitually
a bar frequent ed by sports fans
2. archaic : to read systematically or habitually
• fre·quen·ta·tion ˌfrē-ˌkwen-ˈtā-shən, -kwən- noun
• fre·quent·er noun
II. ˈfrē-kwənt adjective
Etymology: Middle English, ample, from Middle French or Latin; Middle French, crowded, from Latin frequent-, frequens
Date: 1531
a. : common , usual
b. : happening at short intervals : often repeated or occurring
a bus making frequent stops
2. obsolete : full , thronged
3. : acting or returning regularly or often
a frequent visitor
4. archaic : intimate , familiar
• fre·quent·ness noun