I. ˈfrəs-ˌtrāt transitive verb
( frus·trat·ed ; frus·trat·ing )
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin frustratus, past participle of frustrare to deceive, frustrate, from frustra in error, in vain
Date: 15th century
a. : to balk or defeat in an endeavor
b. : to induce feelings of discouragement in
(1) : to make ineffectual : bring to nothing
(2) : impede , obstruct
b. : to make invalid or of no effect
frustrate , thwart , foil , baffle , balk mean to check or defeat another's plan or block achievement of a goal. frustrate implies making vain or ineffectual all efforts however vigorous or persistent
frustrated attempts at government reform
thwart suggests frustration or checking by crossing or opposing
the army thwarted his attempt at a coup
foil implies checking or defeating so as to discourage further effort
foiled by her parents, he stopped trying to see her
baffle implies frustration by confusing or puzzling
baffled by the maze of rules and regulations
balk suggests the interposing of obstacles or hindrances
officials felt that legal restrictions had balked their efforts to control crime
II. adjective
Date: 15th century
: characterized by frustration