I. ge·la·tion ji-ˈlā-shən noun
Etymology: Latin gelation-, gelatio, from gelare
Date: 1854
: the action or process of freezing
II. gel·ation je-ˈlā-shən noun
Etymology: gel (I) + -ation
Date: 1915
: the formation of a gel from a sol
I. ge·la·tion ji-ˈlā-shən noun
Etymology: Latin gelation-, gelatio, from gelare
Date: 1854
: the action or process of freezing
II. gel·ation je-ˈlā-shən noun
Etymology: gel (I) + -ation
Date: 1915
: the formation of a gel from a sol
Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary. Энциклопедический словарь английского языка Merriam Webster. 2003