I. ˈhē, ē pronoun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hē; akin to Old English hēo she, hit it, Old High German hē he, Latin cis, citra on this side, Greek e ke inos that person
Date: before 12th century
1. : that male one who is neither speaker nor hearer
he is my father
— compare him , his , it , she , they
2. — used in a generic sense or when the sex of the person is unspecified
he that hath ears to hear, let him hear — Matthew 11:15 (Authorized Version)
one should do the best he can
II. ˈhē noun
Date: before 12th century
1. : a male person or animal
2. : one that is strongly masculine or has strong masculine appeal — usually used in combination
that's what I call he -literature — Sinclair Lewis
III. ˈhā noun
Etymology: Hebrew hē'
Date: circa 1567
: the 5th letter of the Hebrew alphabet — see alphabet table