Meaning of ILLIBERAL in English

transcription, транскрипция: [ (ˌ)i(l)-ˈli-b(ə-)rəl ]


Etymology: Middle French or Latin; Middle French, from Latin illiberalis ignoble, stingy, from Latin in- + liberalis liberal

Date: 1535

: not liberal: as

a. archaic

(1) : lacking a liberal education

(2) : lacking culture and refinement

b. : not requiring the background of a liberal arts education

illiberal occupations

c. archaic : not generous : stingy

d. : not broad-minded : bigoted

illiberal thinking

e. : opposed to liberalism

illiberal tendencies

• il·lib·er·al·i·ty -ˌli-bə-ˈra-lə-tē noun

• il·lib·er·al·ly -ˈli-b(ə-)rə-lē adverb

• il·lib·er·al·ness -b(ə-)rəl-nəs noun

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