transcription, транскрипция: [ (ˌ)i-ˈne-fə-bəl ]
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin ineffabilis, from in- + effabilis capable of being expressed, from effari to speak out, from ex- + fari to speak — more at ban
Date: 14th century
a. : incapable of being expressed in words : indescribable
ineffable joy
b. : unspeakable
ineffable disgust
2. : not to be uttered : taboo
the ineffable name of Jehovah
• in·ef·fa·bil·i·ty -ˌne-fə-ˈbi-lə-tē noun
• in·ef·fa·ble·ness -ˈne-fə-bəl-nəs noun
• in·ef·fa·bly -blē adverb