transcription, транскрипция: [ in-ˈfil-ˌtrāt, ˈin-(ˌ) ]
( -trat·ed ; -trat·ing )
Date: 1758
transitive verb
1. : to cause (as a liquid) to permeate something by penetrating its pores or interstices
2. : to pass into or through (a substance) by filtering or permeating
3. : to pass (troops) singly or in small groups through gaps in the enemy line
4. : to enter or become established in gradually or unobtrusively usually for subversive purposes
the intelligence staff had been infiltrated by spies
intransitive verb
: to enter, permeate, or pass through a substance or area by filtering or by insinuating gradually
• infiltrate noun
• in·fil·tra·tion ˌin-(ˌ)fil-ˈtrā-shən noun
• in·fil·tra·tive ˈin-(ˌ)fil-ˌtrā-tiv, in-ˈfil-trə- adjective
• in·fil·tra·tor in-ˈfil-ˌtrā-tər, ˈin-(ˌ) noun