I. ˈläm-ˌbärd, -bərd noun
Etymology: Middle English Lumbarde, from Anglo-French lombart, from Old Italian lombardo, from Latin Langobardus
Date: 14th century
a. : a member of a Germanic people that invaded Italy in A.D. 568 and established a kingdom in the Po valley
b. : a native or inhabitant of Lombardy
[from the prominence of Lombards as moneylenders]
: banker , moneylender
• Lom·bar·di·an läm-ˈbär-dē-ən adjective
• Lom·bar·dic läm-ˈbär-dik adjective
II. biographical name
Peter — see Peter Lombard
III. ˈläm-ˌbärd geographical name
village NE Illinois W of Chicago population 42,322