transcription, транскрипция: [ mə-ˈtas-tə-səs ]
( plural me·tas·ta·ses -ˌsēz)
Etymology: New Latin, from Late Latin, transition, from Greek, from methistanai to change, from meta- + histanai to set — more at stand
Date: 1663
a. : change of position, state, or form
b. : the spread of a disease-producing agency (as cancer cells) from the initial or primary site of disease to another part of the body ; also : the process by which such spreading occurs
2. : a secondary malignant tumor resulting from metastasis
• met·a·stat·ic ˌme-tə-ˈsta-tik adjective
• met·a·stat·i·cal·ly -ti-k(ə-)lē adverb