I. ˈmä-nə-ˌkrōm noun
Etymology: Medieval Latin monochroma, from Latin, feminine of monochromos of one color, from Greek monochrōmos, from mon- + -chrōmos -chrome
Date: 1662
: a painting, drawing, or photograph in a single hue
• mono·chro·mic ˌmä-nə-ˈkrō-mik adjective
• mono·chrom·ist ˈmä-nə-ˌkrō-mist noun
II. adjective
Date: 1849
1. : of, relating to, or made with a single color or hue
2. : involving or producing visual images in a single color or in varying tones of a single color (as gray)
monochrome film
monochrome television monitor