transcription, транскрипция: [ ə-ˈbli-tə-ˌrāt, ō- ]
transitive verb
( -at·ed ; -at·ing )
Etymology: Latin oblitteratus, past participle of oblitterare, from ob- ob- + littera letter
Date: 1600
a. : to remove utterly from recognition or memory
b. : to remove from existence : destroy utterly all trace, indication, or significance of
c. : to cause to disappear (as a bodily part or a scar) or collapse (as a duct conveying body fluid) : remove 4
a blood vessel obliterated by inflammation
2. : to make undecipherable or imperceptible by obscuring or wearing away
3. : cancel 4
• oblit·er·a·tion -ˌbli-tə-ˈrā-shən noun
• oblit·er·a·tor -ˈbli-tə-ˌrā-tər noun