transcription, транскрипция: [ ˌper-ə-ˈnȯi-ə, ˌpa-rə- ]
Etymology: New Latin, from Greek, madness, from paranous demented, from para- + nous mind
Date: circa 1811
1. : a psychosis characterized by systematized delusions of persecution or grandeur usually without hallucinations
2. : a tendency on the part of an individual or group toward excessive or irrational suspiciousness and distrustfulness of others
• para·noi·ac -ˈnȯi-ˌak, -ˈnȯi-ik also para·noic -ˈnȯi(-i)k, -ˈnō-ik adjective or noun
• para·noi·cal·ly -ˈnȯi(-i)-k(ə-)lē, -ˈnō-i-k(ə-)lē adverb