I. noun
also par·ti·zan ˈpär-tə-zən, -sən, -ˌzan, chiefly Brit ˌpär-tə-ˈzan
Etymology: Middle French partisan, from north Italian dialect partiźan, from part part, party, from Latin part-, pars part
Date: 1555
1. : a firm adherent to a party, faction, cause, or person ; especially : one exhibiting blind, prejudiced, and unreasoning allegiance
a. : a member of a body of detached light troops making forays and harassing an enemy
b. : a member of a guerrilla band operating within enemy lines
Synonyms: see follower
• partisan adjective
• par·ti·san·ly -lē adverb
• par·ti·san·ship -ˌship noun
II. noun
or par·ti·zan ˈpär-tə-zən, -sən
Etymology: Middle French partisane, from north Italian dialect partiźana, feminine of partiźan
Date: 1556
: a weapon of the 16th and 17th centuries with long shaft and broad blade