transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈpȯr-s(ə-)lən ]
Etymology: Middle French porcelaine cowrie shell, porcelain, from Italian porcellana, from porcello vulva, literally, little pig, from Latin porcellus, diminutive of porcus pig, vulva; from the shape of the shell — more at farrow
Date: circa 1530
1. : a hard, fine-grained, sonorous, nonporous, and usually translucent and white ceramic ware that consists essentially of kaolin, quartz, and a feldspathic rock and is fired at a high temperature — called also hard-paste porcelain, true porcelain
2. : soft-paste porcelain
• por·ce·lain·like -ˌlīk adjective
• por·ce·la·ne·ous or por·cel·la·ne·ous ˌpȯr-sə-ˈlā-nē-əs adjective