Meaning of PRETENSION in English

I. pri-ˈten(t)-shən noun

Date: 15th century

1. : an allegation of doubtful value : pretext

2. : a claim or an effort to establish a claim

3. : a claim or right to attention or honor because of merit

4. : an aspiration or intention that may or may not reach fulfillment

has serious literary pretension s

5. : vanity , pretentiousness

Synonyms: see ambition

• pre·ten·sion·less -ləs adjective

II. ˌprē-ˈten(t)-shən transitive verb

Etymology: pre- + tension (II)

Date: 1937

: prestress

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary.      Энциклопедический словарь английского языка Merriam Webster.