transcription, транскрипция: [ transitive verb ]
Date: 14th century
1. : to bring to an end : stop
put down a riot
a. : depose , degrade
b. : disparage , belittle
mentioned his poetry only to put it down
c. : disapprove , criticize
was put down for the way she dressed
d. : humiliate , squelch
put him down with a sharp retort
3. : to make ineffective : check
put down the gossip
4. : to do away with (as an injured, sick, or aged animal) : destroy
a. : to put in writing
put it down truthfully
b. : to enter in a list
put me down for a donation
a. : to place in a category
I put him down as a hypochondriac — O. S. J. Gogarty
b. : attribute
put it down to inexperience
7. : to pack or preserve for future use
8. : consume
putting down helping after helping — Carson McCullers
- put down roots