I. ˈpə-tē noun
( plural putties )
Etymology: French potée potter's glaze, literally, potful, from Old French, from pot pot — more at pottage
Date: circa 1706
a. : a doughlike material typically made of whiting and linseed oil that is used especially to fasten glass in window frames and to fill crevices in woodwork
b. : any of various substances resembling putty in appearance, consistency, or use
2. : a light brownish-gray to light grayish-brown color
3. : one who is easily manipulated
is putty in her hands
• put·ty·less adjective
• put·ty·like adjective
II. transitive verb
( put·tied ; put·ty·ing )
Date: 1734
: to use putty on or apply putty to