I. ˈram-bəl verb
( ram·bled ; ram·bling -b(ə-)liŋ)
Etymology: Middle English, probably alteration of romblen, frequentative of romen to roam
Date: 15th century
intransitive verb
a. : to move aimlessly from place to place
b. : to explore idly
2. : to talk or write in a desultory or long-winded wandering fashion
3. : to grow or extend irregularly
transitive verb
: to wander over : roam
Synonyms: see wander
• ram·bling·ly -b(ə-)liŋ-lē adverb
II. noun
Date: 1654
1. : a leisurely excursion for pleasure ; especially : an aimless walk
2. : a rambling story or discussion