transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈre-lə-vənt ]
Etymology: Medieval Latin relevant-, relevans, from Latin, present participle of relevare to raise up — more at relieve
Date: 1560
a. : having significant and demonstrable bearing on the matter at hand
b. : affording evidence tending to prove or disprove the matter at issue or under discussion
relevant testimony
c. : having social relevance
2. : proportional , relative
• rel·e·vant·ly adverb
relevant , germane , material , pertinent , apposite , applicable , apropos mean relating to or bearing upon the matter in hand. relevant implies a traceable, significant, logical connection
found material relevant to her case
germane may additionally imply a fitness for or appropriateness to the situation or occasion
a point not germane to the discussion
material implies so close a relationship that it cannot be dispensed with without serious alteration of the case
facts material to the investigation
pertinent stresses a clear and decisive relevance
a pertinent observation
apposite suggests a felicitous relevance
add an apposite quotation to the definition
applicable suggests the fitness of bringing a general rule or principle to bear upon a particular case
the rule is not applicable in this case
apropos suggests being both relevant and opportune
the quip was apropos