transcription, транскрипция: [ ri-ˈvälv, -ˈvȯlv also ]
-ˈväv or -ˈvȯv verb
( re·volved ; re·volv·ing )
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin revolvere to roll back, cause to return, from re- + volvere to roll — more at voluble
Date: 15th century
transitive verb
1. : to turn over at length in the mind : ponder
revolve a scheme
a. obsolete : to cause to go round in an orbit
b. : rotate 1
intransitive verb
1. : recur
a. : to ponder something
b. : to remain under consideration
ideas revolved in his mind
a. : to move in a curved path round a center or axis
b. : to turn or roll round on an axis
4. : to have or come to a specified focus : center — usually used with around
the dispute revolved around wages
• re·volv·able -ˈväl-və-bəl, -ˈvȯl- also -ˈvä-və- or -ˈvȯ-və- adjective