transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈrəs-ti-ˌkāt ]
( -cat·ed ; -cat·ing )
Date: 1660
intransitive verb
: to go into or reside in the country : follow a rustic life
transitive verb
1. chiefly British : to suspend from school or college
2. : to build or face with usually rough-surfaced masonry blocks having beveled or rebated edges producing pronounced joints
a rusticated facade
a. : to compel to reside in the country
b. : to cause to become rustic : implant rustic mannerisms in
• rus·ti·ca·tion ˌrəs-ti-ˈkā-shən noun
• rus·ti·ca·tor ˈrəs-ti-ˌkā-tər noun