Meaning of RUSTY in English

I. rusty ˈrəs-tē adjective

( rust·i·er ; -est )

Date: before 12th century

1. : affected by or as if by rust ; especially : stiff with or as if with rust

2. : inept and slow through lack of practice or old age


a. : of the color rust

b. : dulled in color or appearance by age and use

rusty old boots

4. : outmoded

5. : hoarse , grating

• rust·i·ly -tə-lē adverb

• rust·i·ness -tē-nəs noun

II. rus·ty ˈrəs-tē adjective

( rus·ti·er ; -est )

Etymology: alteration of restive

Date: 1625

chiefly dialect : ill-natured , surly

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary.      Энциклопедический словарь английского языка Merriam Webster.