Meaning of SCABROUS in English

transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈska-brəs also ]

ˈskā- adjective

Etymology: Latin scabr-, scaber rough, scurfy; akin to Latin scabere to scratch — more at scab

Date: 1646

1. : difficult , knotty

a scabrous problem

2. : rough to the touch: as

a. : having small raised dots, scales, or points

a scabrous leaf

b. : covered with raised, roughened, or unwholesome patches

scabrous paint

scabrous skin

3. : dealing with suggestive, indecent, or scandalous themes : salacious ; also : squalid

Synonyms: see rough

• sca·brous·ly adverb

• sca·brous·ness noun

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