I. ˈskript noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin scriptum thing written, from neuter of scriptus, past participle of scribere to write — more at scribe
Date: 14th century
a. : something written : text
b. : an original or principal instrument or document
(1) : manuscript 1
(2) : the written text of a stage play, screenplay, or broadcast ; specifically : the one used in production or performance
a. : a style of printed letters that resembles handwriting
b. : written characters : handwriting
c. : alphabet
3. : a plan of action
II. transitive verb
Date: 1935
1. : to prepare a script for or from
2. : to provide carefully considered details for (as a plan of action)
an event carefully script ed to attract attention
III. noun
Date: 1951
: prescription 4a