I. ˈsä-d ə n adjective
Etymology: Middle English soden, from past participle of sethen to seethe
Date: 1589
a. : dull or expressionless especially from continued indulgence in alcoholic beverages
sodden features
b. : torpid , sluggish
sodden minds
a. : heavy with or as if with moisture or water
the sodden ground
b. : heavy or doughy because of imperfect cooking
sodden biscuits
• sod·den·ly adverb
• sod·den·ness -d ə n-(n)əs noun
II. verb
( sod·dened ; sod·den·ing ˈsäd-niŋ, ˈsä-d ə n-iŋ)
Date: 1812
transitive verb
: to make sodden
intransitive verb
: to become soaked or saturated