transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈsü ]
( sued ; su·ing )
Etymology: Middle English sewen, siuen to follow, strive for, petition, from Anglo-French sivre, siure, Vulgar Latin * sequere, from Latin sequi to follow; akin to Greek hepesthai to follow, Sanskrit sacate he accompanies
Date: 14th century
transitive verb
1. obsolete : to make petition to or for
2. archaic : to pay court or suit to : woo
a. : to seek justice or right from (a person) by legal process ; specifically : to bring an action against
b. : to proceed with and follow up (a legal action) to proper termination
intransitive verb
1. : to make a request or application : plead — usually used with for or to
sue for peace
2. : to pay court : woo
he loved…but sued in vain — William Wordsworth
3. : to take legal proceedings in court
• su·er noun