I. ˈtē noun
Etymology: Middle English
Date: 15th century
1. : the letter t
2. : something shaped like a capital T
3. : a mark aimed at in various games (as curling)
- to a tee
II. noun
Etymology: origin unknown
Date: 1673
a. : a small mound or a peg on which a golf ball is placed before being struck at the beginning of play on a hole
b. : a device for holding a football in position for kicking
c. : an adjustable post on which a ball is placed for batting (as in T-ball)
2. : the area from which a golf ball is struck at the beginning of play on a hole
III. transitive verb
( teed ; tee·ing )
Date: 1673
: to place (a ball) on a tee — often used with up