I. til·ler ˈti-lər noun
Etymology: Middle English * tiller, from Old English telgor, telgra twig, shoot; akin to Old High German zelga twig, Old Irish dlongaid he splits
Date: before 12th century
: stalk , sprout ; especially : one from the base of a plant or from the axils of its lower leaves
II. til·ler intransitive verb
( til·lered ; til·ler·ing ˈti-lə-riŋ, ˈtil-riŋ)
Date: 1677
of a plant : to put forth tillers
III. till·er ˈti-lər noun
Date: 13th century
: one that tills : cultivator
IV. til·ler ˈti-lər noun
Etymology: Middle English teler, tiller stock of a crossbow, tiller, from Anglo-French teiler stock of a crossbow
Date: circa 1625
: a lever used to turn the rudder of a boat from side to side ; broadly : a device or system that plays a part in steering something