transcription, транскрипция: [ noun ]
also tran·sex·u·al (ˌ)tran(t)s-ˈsek-sh(ə-)wəl, -shəl
Date: 1957
: a person who psychologically identifies with the opposite sex and may seek to live as a member of this sex especially by undergoing surgery and hormone therapy to obtain the necessary physical appearance (as by changing the external sex organs)
• trans·sex·u·al·ism also tran·sex·u·al·ism -sh(ə-)wə-ˌli-zəm, -shə-ˌli- noun
• trans·sex·u·al·i·ty also tran·sex·u·al·i·ty -ˌsek-shə-ˈwa-lə-tē noun