Meaning of TRIPLICATE in English

I. ˈtri-pli-kət adjective

Etymology: Middle English, from Latin triplicatus, past participle of triplicare to triple, from triplic-, triplex threefold

Date: 15th century

: consisting of or existing in three corresponding or identical parts or examples

triplicate invoices

II. -plə-ˌkāt transitive verb

( -cat·ed ; -cat·ing )

Date: circa 1623

1. : to make triple or threefold

2. : to prepare in triplicate

triplicate the forms

• trip·li·ca·tion ˌtri-plə-ˈkā-shən noun

III. -pli-kət noun

Date: 1797

: three copies all alike — used with in

typed in triplicate

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary.      Энциклопедический словарь английского языка Merriam Webster.