I. ˈən-jə-lət, ˈən-dyə-, ˈən-də-, -ˌlāt adjective
or un·du·lat·ed -ˌlā-təd
Etymology: Latin undulatus, from * undula, diminutive of unda wave — more at water
Date: 1658
: having a wavy surface, edge, or markings
the undulate margin of a leaf
II. -ˌlāt verb
( -lat·ed ; -lat·ing )
Etymology: Late Latin undula small wave, from Latin * undula
Date: 1664
intransitive verb
1. : to form or move in waves : fluctuate
2. : to rise and fall in volume, pitch, or cadence
3. : to present a wavy appearance
transitive verb
: to cause to move in a wavy, sinuous, or flowing manner
Synonyms: see swing