transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈvī(-ə)l ]
( vil·er ˈvī-lər ; vil·est -ləst)
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French vil, from Latin vilis
Date: 14th century
a. : morally despicable or abhorrent
nothing is so vile as intellectual dishonesty
b. : physically repulsive : foul
a vile slum
2. : of little worth or account : common ; also : mean
3. : tending to degrade
vile employments
4. : disgustingly or utterly bad : obnoxious , contemptible
vile weather
had a vile temper
Synonyms: see base
• vile·ly ˈvī(-ə)l-lē adverb
• vile·ness noun