I. ˈvər-jə-n ə l, ˈvərj-nəl adjective
Date: 15th century
1. : of, relating to, or characteristic of a virgin or virginity ; especially : pure , chaste
a virginal young girl
2. : pristine , unsullied
a virginal snowfall
• vir·gin·al·ly adverb
II. noun
Etymology: probably from Latin virginalis of a virgin, from virgin-, virgo
Date: 1530
: a small rectangular spinet having no legs and only one wire to a note and popular in the 16th and 17th centuries — often used in plural; called also pair of virginals
• vir·gin·al·ist ˈvər-jə-n ə l-ist, ˈvərj-nə-list noun