Synonyms and related words :
alentours, ambience, arena, bailiwick, beat, border, borderland, borderlands, circle, circuit, circumambiencies, circumjacencies, circumstances, compass, constituency, context, cycle, demesne, department, domain, dominion, entourage, environing circumstances, environment, environs, extension, extent, field, footing, full circle, gestalt, habitat, hemisphere, judicial circuit, jurisdiction, lap, loop, march, milieu, neighborhood, orb, orbit, outposts, outskirts, pale, perimeter, periphery, precinct, precincts, province, purlieus, purview, radius, reach, realm, revolution, round, round trip, rounds, scope, situation, sphere, sphere of influence, stamping ground, suburbs, surroundings, sweep, territory, total environment, tour, turf, turn, vantage, vicinage, vicinity, walk,