Synonyms and related words :
Bronze Age man, Hominidae, Iron Age man, Stone Age man, abiding, aboriginal, aborigine, advanced, advanced in life, advanced in years, age-long, age-old, aged, ageing, ageless, along in years, antediluvian, anthropoid, antiquated, antique, ape-man, archaic, auld, autochthon, better, brass hat, bushman, bygone, cave dweller, caveman, chronic, constant, continuing, dateless, diuturnal, doddering, doting, durable, earlier, early, elder, elderly, enduring, erstwhile, evergreen, fading, fore, forgotten, former, fossil, fossil man, fossilized, golden-ager, gray, gray with age, gray-haired, gray-headed, grey, grown old, hardy, higher-up, hoar, hoary, hominid, humanoid, immemorial, immutable, intransient, inveterate, lasting, late, long-lasting, long-lived, long-standing, long-term, longeval, longevous, macrobiotic, man of old, missing link, obsolescent, obsolete, of long duration, of long standing, of old, of yore, old, old as Methuselah, old as history, old as time, old-fashioned, old-time, old-timer, olden, once, onetime, past, patriarchal, perdurable, perduring, perennial, permanent, perpetual, persistent, persisting, preadamite, prehistoric, prehistoric man, prehuman, previous, primal, primate, primeval, primitive, primordial, prior, pristine, protohuman, quondam, recent, remaining, remote, sempervirent, senectuous, senior, senior citizen, sinking, sometime, stable, staying, steadfast, superannuated, then, timeless, timeworn, tough, traditional, troglodyte, unfading, venerable, vital, waning, wasting, white, white with age, white-bearded, white-crowned, white-haired, wrinkled, wrinkly, years old