Synonyms and related words :
abate, abolish, abrogate, abstract, annihilate, black out, blot out, bring to naught, bring to nothing, buffer, cancel, cancel out, come to nothing, counteract, counterbalance, countercheck, countermand, counterorder, delete, disannul, discharge, dispose of, dissolve, divorce, do away with, efface, eliminate, expunge, extinguish, frustrate, grant a divorce, grant an annulment, invalidate, make void, negate, negativate, negative, neutralize, nullify, obliterate, obtain a divorce, offset, outweigh, overbalance, override, overrule, part, put asunder, put away, quash, recall, recant, redress, remove, renege, repeal, rescind, retract, reverse, revoke, separate, set aside, split up, stultify, sue for divorce, suspend, thwart, undo, unmarry, untie the knot, vacate, vitiate, void, waive, wipe out, withdraw, write off