Synonyms and related words :
aboveboard, arty, awkward, befoolable, big, bluff, blunt, born yesterday, broad, brusque, bungling, candid, childlike, clumsy, confiding, crude, direct, downright, explicit, foolable, forthright, frank, frankhearted, free, free-speaking, free-spoken, free-tongued, genuine, green, guileless, gullible, half-assed, heart-to-heart, high-sounding, honest, humble, imposing, in the raw, inadept, inapt, inartificial, inattentive, incompetent, inefficient, inept, inexperienced, inexpert, ingenu, ingenuous, innocent, mediocre, naive, native, natural, on the level, open, openhearted, ordinary, outspoken, overblown, pedestrian, plain, plain-spoken, poor, primitive, pristine, relaxed, round, simple, simplehearted, simpleminded, sincere, single-hearted, single-minded, skill-less, straight, straight-out, straightforward, thoughtless, transparent, TRUE, trustful, trusting, unaffected, unapt, unartificial, unassuming, unchecked, uncomplicated, unconstrained, undeceptive, undeft, undexterous, undextrous, unequivocal, unfacile, unguarded, unintelligent, unpretentious, unproficient, unreserved, unrestrained, unschooled, unskilled, unskillful, unsophisticated, unstudied, unsullied, unsuspicious, untalented, untouched, unwary, virgin, virginal