Synonyms and related words :
Christian, Daedalian, absolute, absolutist, absolutistic, accepted, accurate, acquainted with, adept, adroit, approved, apt, arbitrary, aristocratic, armipotent, arrogant, artistic, ascendant, assuring, at home in, at home with, attested, authentic, authenticated, authoritarian, authorized, autocratic, binding, bossy, bravura, brilliant, canonical, cathedral, certified, charismatic, charming, circumstantiated, clean, clever, clothed with authority, cogent, commanding, competent, conclusive, confined, confirmed, consequential, considerable, consistent, controlling, conventional, conversant with, convictional, convincing, coordinated, correct, crack, crackerjack, cunning, customary, cute, daedal, decisive, deft, dependable, despotic, determinative, dexterous, dextrous, dictated, dictatorial, didactic, diplomatic, doctrinaire, documented, dogmatic, dominant, domineering, duly constituted, dynamic, effective, effectual, efficacious, eminent, empowered, enchanting, energetic, estimable, evangelical, ex cathedra, ex officio, excellent, expert, factual, faithful, familiar with, fancy, feature, featured, feudal, firm, forceful, forcible, formulary, good, goodish, governing, graceful, great, grinding, handy, hard and fast, hegemonic, hegemonistic, high-handed, high-potency, high-powered, high-pressure, high-tension, imperative, imperial, imperious, important, impressive, in force, in power, indisputable, influential, informed in, ingenious, instructive, intimate with, irrefutable, irresistible, just, knowledgeable, lawful, leading, learned, legal, legitimate, limited, literal, logical, lordly, magisterial, magistral, magnetic, mandatory, master of, masterful, masterly, mighty, mighty in battle, momentous, monocratic, neat, no mean, of the faith, official, operative, oppressive, orthodox, orthodoxical, overbearing, overruling, peremptory, personable, persuasive, politic, potent, powerful, preceptive, preeminent, prepotent, prescribed, prescript, prescriptive, prestigious, professional, proficient, proficient in, prominent, proper, proven, puissant, quick, quite some, ranking, ready, received, regulation, reliable, repressive, reputable, resourceful, restricted, right, rubric, ruling, sanctioned, satisfactory, satisfying, scholarly, scriptural, self-consistent, senior, severe, skillful, slick, solid, some, sound, specialist, specialistic, specialized, standard, statesmanlike, statutory, strict, striking, strong, strong in, stylish, suasive, substantial, sufficient, superior, suppressive, supreme, sure, tactful, technical, telling, textual, the compleat, the complete, totalitarian, traditional, traditionalistic, TRUE, true-blue, trustable, trustworthy, truthful, tyrannical, tyrannous, unrefutable, up on, valid, validated, verifiable, verified, veritable, versed in, vigorous, virtuoso, vital, weighty, well-done, well-founded, well-grounded, well-read in, winning, workmanlike,