Synonyms and related words :
abalienate, abalienation, agency, alien, alienate, alienation, amortization, amortize, amortizement, assign, assignation, assignment, backscratching, bargain, bargain and sale, bartering, bequeath, bequeathal, brokerage, buy and sell, buying and selling, cede, cession, change, confer, conferment, conferral, consign, consignation, consignment, convey, conveyance, conveyancing, deal, dealing, deed, deed over, deeding, deliver, deliverance, delivery, demise, devolve upon, disposal, disposition, do business, doing business, enfeoff, enfeoffment, even trade, exchange, give, give in exchange, give title to, give-and-take, giving, hand, hand down, hand on, hand over, horse trading, horse-trade, interchange, jobbing, lease and release, logrolling, make over, merchandising, negotiate, pass, pass on, pass over, pork barrel, retailing, sale, sell, settle, settle on, settlement, settling, sign away, sign over, surrender, swap, swap horses, swapping, switch, take in exchange, trade, trade in, trade off, trade sight unseen, trading, traffic, trafficking, transfer, transference, transmission, transmit, transmittal, truck, turn over, vesting, wheeling and dealing, wholesaling