Meaning of BENEVOLENT in English

Synonyms and related words :

accommodating, advantageous, affable, agreeable, almsgiving, altruistic, amiable, amicable, auspicious, beneficent, beneficial, benign, benignant, big, bighearted, bon, bonny, braw, bueno, capital, caring, charitable, chivalrous, cogent, commendable, compassionate, complaisant, compliant, conciliatory, considerate, cooperative, decent, eleemosynary, elegant, estimable, excellent, expedient, fair, famous, favorable, fine, forbearing, forgiving, freehearted, friendly, generous, good, goodly, gracious, grand, greathearted, healthy, helpful, humane, humanitarian, indulgent, kind, kindly, kindly-disposed, largehearted, laudable, liberal, lofty, long-suffering, longanimous, magnanimous, neighborly, nice, noble, obliging, open-handed, openhanded, overindulgent, overpermissive, patient, permissive, philanthropic, placable, pleasant, profitable, propitious, public-spirited, regal, royal, salutary, skillful, sound, sparing, splendid, sympathetic, tenderhearted, thoughtful, tolerant, unresentful, unrevengeful, useful, valid, very good, virtuous, warm-hearted, welfare, welfare statist, welfarist, well-affected, well-disposed, well-intentioned, well-meaning, well-meant

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