Synonyms and related words :
POW, bond, bondmaid, bondman, bondslave, bondsman, bondswoman, caged, cageling, catch, chain gang, chattel, chattel slave, churl, con, concubine, confined, conquest, convict, coquette, date, debt slave, detainee, detenu, disenfranchised, enslaved, enthralled, ex-convict, flirt, galley slave, gaolbird, helot, homager, honey, hostage, imprisoned, in bondage, in bonds, in captivity, in chains, in slavery, in subjection, incarcerated, internee, jailbird, liege, liege man, liege subject, lifer, locked up, odalisque, oppressed, parolee, peon, political prisoner, prisoner, prisoner of war, serf, servant, slave, steady, stir bird, subject, subjected, subjugated, suppressed, sweet patootie, sweetheart, sweetie, theow, thrall, ticket-of-leave man, ticket-of-leaver, trusty, under the heel, under the lash, unfree, vamp, vampire, vassal, villein,