Synonyms and related words :
amorphic, amorphous, anarchic, arid, baggy, bare, barren, blah, bland, blank, bleached, blobby, bloodless, blurred, blurry, chaotic, childish, clear, cold, colorless, confused, dead, devoid, dismal, disorderly, draggy, drearisome, dreary, dry, dryasdust, dull, dusty, effete, elephantine, empty, etiolated, fade, featureless, flat, formless, futile, fuzzy, hazy, heavy, ho-hum, hollow, impotent, inane, inchoate, indecisive, indefinite, indeterminate, inexcitable, infantile, inform, insipid, jejune, kaleidoscopic, leaden, lifeless, low-spirited, lumpen, misty, namby-pamby, nondescript, null, null and void, obscure, orderless, pale, pallid, pantywaist, pedestrian, plodding, pointless, poky, ponderous, powerless, shapeless, sissified, sissy, slow, solemn, spiritless, sterile, stiff, stodgy, stuffy, superficial, tasteless, tedious, unclear, undefined, unlively, unmanly, unordered, unorganized, unrelieved, vacant, vacuous, vague, vapid, void, weak, white, wishy-washy, with nothing inside, without content, wooden