Synonyms and related words :
Amor, BOMFOG, Benthamism, Christian charity, Christian love, Eros, Platonic love, abetment, accord, accordance, admiration, adoration, advocacy, aegis, affection, affinity, agape, agreement, alms, alms fee, almsgiving, altruism, amity, ardency, ardor, attachment, auspices, backing, benefaction, beneficence, benevolence, benevolent disposition, benevolentness, bigheartedness, bodily love, bonds of harmony, brotherly love, cardinal virtues, care, caritas, cement of friendship, championship, charitableness, clemency, collection, communion, community, community of interests, compassion, compatibility, concord, concordance, condonation, congeniality, conjugal love, considerateness, consideration, contribution, correspondence, countenance, desire, devotion, do-goodism, dole, donation, donative, easiness, empathy, encouragement, esprit, esprit de corps, faith, faithful love, fancy, favor, feeling of identity, fellow feeling, fellowship, fervor, flame, flower power, fondness, forbearance, fortitude, fosterage, free love, free-lovism, frictionlessness, friendliness, generosity, generousness, giving, good vibes, good vibrations, goodwill, grace, greatheartedness, guidance, handout, happy family, harmony, heart, hero worship, hope, humaneness, humanitarianism, humanity, identity, idolatry, idolism, idolization, indulgence, interest, justice, kindliness, kinship, largeheartedness, largesse, lasciviousness, lenience, leniency, lenity, liberality, libido, like, like-mindedness, liking, long-suffering, love, love of mankind, lovemaking, magnanimity, married love, munificence, mutuality, natural virtues, offering, offertory, oneness, passion, patience, patronage, peace, permissiveness, philanthropism, philanthropy, physical love, pittance, popular regard, popularity, prudence, rapport, rapprochement, reciprocity, regard, relief, seconding, sentiment, sex, sexual love, sharing, shine, solidarity, spiritual love, sponsorship, subscription, supernatural virtues, sympathy, symphony, team spirit, temperance, tender feeling, tender passion, theological virtues, tithe, tolerance, toleration, truelove, tutelage, understanding, union, unison, unity, unselfishness, utilitarianism, uxoriousness, votive offering, weakness, welfare, welfarism, well-disposedness, worship, yearning