Meaning of CLUE in English

Synonyms and related words :

acquaint, advice, advise, alerting, answer, apprise, basis for belief, body of evidence, broad hint, catchword, caution, chain of evidence, cue, cue word, data, datum, documentation, evidence, exhibit, fact, facts, fill in, gentle hint, gesture, glimmer, glimmering, grounds, grounds for belief, hint, hot lead, implication, imply, index, indicate, indication, indicator, inform, information, inkling, innuendo, insinuation, intimate, intimation, item of evidence, key, key word, kick, lead, look, manifestation, mark, material grounds, monition, muniments, mute witness, nod, notify, notion, nudge, office, passing word, piece of evidence, pointer, post, premises, prompt, proof, reason to believe, relevant fact, scent, sign, signal, spoor, steer, suggest, suggestion, suspicion, symptom, tell, telltale, tip, tip-off, token, trace, track, vestige, warn, warning, whiff, whisper, wind, wink,

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