Meaning of COMMONLY in English

Synonyms and related words :

again and again, all in all, all things considered, altogether, as a rule, as a whole, as an approximation, as per usual, as things go, as usual, at large, banally, basely, broadly, broadly speaking, by and large, chiefly, commonplacely, communally, customarily, each to each, entre nous, familiarly, frequently, generally, generally speaking, habitually, hackneyedly, in general, in many instances, inferiorly, inter se, jointly, mainly, many a time, many times, matter-of-factly, meanly, most often, mostly, mutually, naturally, normally, normatively, not infrequently, not seldom, oft, often, often enough, oftentimes, ofttimes, on balance, on the whole, ordinarily, overall, plainly, poorly, predominantly, prescriptively, prevailingly, prosaically, regularly, repeatedly, respectively, roughly, roughly speaking, routinely, simply, speaking generally, stalely, to be expected, tritely, truistically, unoriginally, unseldom, usually, whenever you wish

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