Synonyms and related words :
abri, air-raid shelter, airtight secrecy, asylum, bolt-hole, bomb shelter, bombproof, bunker, cache, cave, close secrecy, closeness, corner, cover, covert, coverture, cranny, crypticness, cubby, cubbyhole, cyclone cellar, dark corner, den, disappearance, discreetness, discretion, dugout, earth, evasion, evasiveness, fallout shelter, foxhole, funk hole, hiddenness, hideaway, hideout, hidey hole, hiding, hiding place, hole, hugger-mugger, hugger-muggery, immateriality, imperceptibility, indiscernibility, invisibility, lair, niche, nonappearance, nook, recess, refuge, retreat, safety zone, sanctuary, secrecy, secret place, secretiveness, secretness, shelter, stash, storm cave, storm cellar, subterfuge, the dark, the invisible, the unseen, trench, uncommunicativeness, undercovert, unperceivability, unseeableness, unsubstantiality, viewlessness,