Meaning of CONCESSION in English

Synonyms and related words :

abatement, abatement of differences, acceptance, accommodation, accordance, acknowledgment, adjustment, admission, agio, allowance, appease, appreciation, arrangement, assuage, avowal, award, awarding, bank discount, bargain, bestowal, bestowment, boutique, breakage, brevet, calm, cash discount, cession, chain discount, chain store, charge-off, charter, circumscription, co-op, communication, composition, compromise, conciliate, conferment, conferral, confession, contribution, cooperative, cop-out, countinghouse, country store, cut, deal, declaration, deduction, deliverance, delivery, department store, depreciation, desertion of principle, dime store, diploma, discount, discount house, discount store, donation, drawback, emporium, endowment, establishment, evasion of responsibility, exception, exemption, extenuating circumstances, five-and-ten, franchise, furnishment, general store, gifting, give-and-take, giving, giving way, grain of salt, grant, granting, hedge, hedging, house, impartation, impartment, intervene, investiture, kickback, lean, letters patent, liberality, liberty, limitation, magasin, mail-order house, market, mart, mediate, mental reservation, modification, mollify, mutual concession, offer, owning, owning up, patent, penalty, penalty clause, percentage, persuade, placate, post, premium, presentation, presentment, prevail, price reduction, price-cut, profession, propitiate, provision, qualification, quiet, rebate, rebatement, recognition, reduction, refund, reservation, restriction, retail store, rite of confession, rollback, royal grant, salon, salvage, salvo, setoff, settlement, shop, shrift, soothe, special case, special treatment, specialness, specification, store, subscription, supermarket, supplying, surrender, sweeten, tare, time discount, trade discount, trading post, tranquilize, tret, unbosoming, underselling, understanding, variety shop, variety store, vouchsafement, waiver, warehouse, wareroom, wholesale house, write-off, yielding

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